Sunday, April 13, 2008

His mercy keeps us

At the house I am living at they have a huge back yard, about and acre or so. Covered in green grass. Some trees. The home owner owns a black dog named Caleb (which actually means dog I think), who is a puppy.....but a big one. He loves going outside instead of being locked inside of the bedroom, and when Matt, my roommate, when he comes home he brings him out. I just heard him barking, and I looked out the window at him, and there he was. Chained up to a leash thingy. All that room to play and explore, but chained up. What limitations! That dog was meant to roam and run and play. And such a big green yard! But its really for his good. You see there is a world out there that he could get lost in, and possibly get hit by a car. Caleb knows how to jump the fence.......he has many times. So because of his masters love and enjoyment in Caleb, he keeps him limited in his freedom....which really is freedom indeed for him in his state.

There are things that God uses in our lives, not as restricting (yet for others yes) to keep us in His care.....for without His keeping grace, we get ourselves into a lot of trouble. I am grateful for His keeping mercy. Yet for us......He longs to give us understanding. That we may by His ability keep ourselves by obeying Him.

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go.......
I will guide you with My eye.....

Do not be like the horse or the mule....which have no understanding
Which must be harnessed with a bit and bridle
Else they will not come near you...." Psalm 32:8-9

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